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Elect Sitting Judges in Montgomery County: Primary Election June 2nd

The Maryland Primary election has been postponed from April 28 to June 2, 2020. Learn about Absentee Voting here: https://www.elections.maryland.gov/voting/absentee.html

Early voting is scheduled for May 21 – May 28, 2020. Learn more here: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/Elections/EarlyVoting/index.html

Following appointment by the Governor and every ten years thereafter, all Judges appointed to the Circuit Court in the State of Maryland must run for election. In 2020, Judge David A. Boynton, Judge Christopher C. Fogleman, Judge Michael J. McAuliffe, and Judge Bibi M. Berry are on the ballot for election.

These four judges have gone through the extremely rigorous Judicial Nominating Commission process, to include a lengthy and comprehensive application covering all aspects of their education, breadth and depth of law practice, and personal background; interviews and investigations by at least twelve bar associations; a voting referendum of the Montgomery County Bar Association members; and an independent investigation, thorough vetting, and interviews by Maryland’s Judicial Nominating Commission. A list of the most highly qualified candidates was sent by the Commission to the Governor, who interviewed and appointed the best of the best.

These Sitting Judges are experienced, vetted, and approved. Ethridge Quinn’s former partner and co-founder, Judge McAuliffe is among the four sitting judges on this year’s ballot. Please remember to cast your votes for Judge Berry, Judge Boynton, Judge Fogleman, and Judge McAuliffe!

Visit the Elect Sitting Judges Montgomery County Slate website for more information: https://www.electsittingjudgesmcs.com/

Also, an explanation of the rigorous vetting and appointment process is described by the Judges in this video: https://youtu.be/t96xqtbelh4